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Image by Zach Vessels

Our Mission

House of Grace exists to share the hope of Jesus and bring restoration and healing to the community we serve. It is our hope and prayer that by raising up children in a nurturing, loving environment where they are being taught the Word of God, they will grow up to be disciples that make disciples and walk out in all that God made them to be! 


We also serve countless members of the community in various capacities. We are passionate about holistically serving a community by equipping local leaders with the necessary resources to serve individuals and families in need. 

Our Story

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

In 2004, our director Wilky Clark was adopted from Haiti as a young teenager. Throughout his early years in Haiti, Wilky was victim to extreme poverty, often going days without food and having no place to call home. But God had a different plan for his life!
Shortly after coming to America, Wilky felt that God was calling him to use the resources he now had to give back to his home community in Haiti. As soon as he possibly could, Wilky got a job and began putting all of his hard-earned money towards building homes, digging wells, building chicken coops, planting gardens, and providing jobs in his home village. 
Eventually, these efforts evolved into starting House of Grace and creating a home for boys just like Wilky.

Image by Claudia Altamimi

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.


We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


We believe man was created in the image of God and the sin of Adam (the first man) marred that image, creating an eternal divide between God and man. Every person is born in sin. 


We believe the only way a person can have a true, forgiven relationship with God is through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus became man without ceasing to be God. Our right standing with God is made sure because of His literal, physical resurrection.


We believe in the literal, physical return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead. 

We believe God offers eternal life as a free gift and that it must be received by faith alone through God’s grace alone. The life that comes from this gift is a permanent possession of the one receiving it.

©2024 by House of Grace Community Center

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